Senin, 03 Juni 2013


Uhm, hey!
I don't know this tittle of this post,
It's untitled ._.v

This evening, my besties came to my house. Playing, sharing, feeding each other cooking and shouting are my  activities with her. We are so crazy when we meet each other. I prefer to call her SUBELLE or H DOUJIN. Then she usually call me ECCHI or ARAB. First, I don't know, why she called me ecchi? I just have one ecchi anime ._. It was an accident, my neighbor gave me "High School DXD", and she said, I must watch that anime.. so.. uhm.. You know what? Ecchi is.. uhm.. forget that. In fact, I'm not an ecchi girl and I don't like ecchi-_-v. You get it? No? Me too-_-v Then, second, she called me arab, or manusia arab-_- You know? I'm not arabian girl. Then, why I call her subelle and h doujin? That's so secret :p
Okay, back to our topic. My besties, her name's Elshalinge. Here's the picture.. How cute she is ;3

nyengir kuda
She is the great friend. Awesome, cute, and.. polos -_-v

Then, at 4.00 pm (GMT +7), someone knock at my house's gate.
There's a postman with a big package.
I got a package from my aunt. Guess what?
She gave me dresses! Yes, dresses!! How cool you're. Thanks aunt {}
Then, I dress up,
I just wanna know, is the dress match with me?
Then, I found the pretty one. The RED one!

the pretty one!<3
What do you think?
Bad enough? Okay ;-;
Not bad? Good enough? Haha, lol :)) Thanks ;)
I love that one. Btw, thanks Elshalinge! She took that picture :3

Then, at 7.00 pm. My stomach start to shouting,
Yes, I'm hungry, starving, thirsty, then i gonna kill you. I go down stairs to go to kitchen(?) You get it?
Then, both of us cooked our "national food", INDOMIE!! \m/
Haha, lol x))

After getting our dinner, Elshalinge go home.
Lucky day! I spent my time with my besties and I got many new dresses.
I hope you have a lucky day too~
Thanks for reading this-unimportant-post ._.
Keep smililing, keep breathing, and keep reading my post, and keep follow my blog! :)

I'll see you soon! xx

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Stand Up Comedy Indonesia

Stand up comedy is the most interesting tv shows!
I think, this show is different than other comedy show.

In stand up comedy, the comic -designation for comedian- just need to standing on the stage and trying to makes the audience laughing with their jokes. It's not easy to makes the audience laughing. You must have something called "taste" on your jokes.You get it? I hope so.. Stand up comedy show isn't just like any other tv shows, who try to makes an "old" jokes. Yea, they broke the property or flush the other comedian with flour just to makes the audience laugh.. So, stand comedy tv shows truly very talented comedian.

Now, I just wanna sharing the jury on Stand Up Comedy Indonesia.
Here they are:
RADITYA DIKA (Bang Radith)

Raditya Dika. Cool, absurd, comedian, actor, smart, talented, writer, and.. he's so awesome! He has made 6 books: Kambing Jantan, Cinta Brontosaurus, Radikus Makankakus, Babi Ngesot, Marmut Merah Jambu, and Manusia Setengah Salmon. Some of these book have been filmed, like Kambing Jantan and Cinta Brontosaurus. Those films are very awesome and absurd!! :)) It makes all people in cinema laughing all time! You should watch it~ Btw, as jury on this show, he's so cool and always give many tips and quality critics and comments for the comics. Every shows, he always use a cap. A different cap, every show! That's great. I like his black cap, because there's this words on it > "Trust me, I am a writer". Nice cap bang radith! By the way, if you wanna know bang Radith deeply, check this out !!

                              INDRODJOJO KUSUMONEGORO (Om Indro Warkop)

Om Indro -his nickname-. Fat, funny, smart, great, biker, actor, comedian, awesome and.. he's so charismatic!! Om Indro is a popular comedian actor on 1980's until 1990's. He's famous on his comedy film, Warkop DKI -Dono, Kasino, Indro- which is, DKI (Jakarta) is the capital city of Indonesia. So, people called him Om Indro 'Warkop'. He loves driving and touring with Harley Davidson. How cool you are! \m/ As one of the three jury on stand up comedy, he's the calm one. He always gives many quality critics and comment too, like Bang Radith. But, Om Indro have funny characteristic, which said "kompor gas" (indonesian) or you-maybe-called-it gas stove, if there's very funny jokes from comics. Weird? Yes, but there's something fun and feeling for laughing if you hear "kompor gas" from Om Indro. Nice guy ;)

and the last one.. the best guest jury is..


Jonathan Amstrong is very very lucky guest jury. Because the audience on studio, select him to be a best guest jury on stand up comedy indonesia season #3. He want the people called him "Jono". I don't know why he want to use 'Jono' as his nickname ._. In fact, his name is nice. Look, Jonathan is better then Jono(?) Lol. Maybe, he love Indonesia, then "Jono" is one of Indonesia's name, so he use it.. unique.. You get it? No? Okay -_- Okay, let's talk back about Jono. Jono is favored by the audience. Why? Because his action is unpredictable!! :))
Example: on the "big four" episode, Jono's actions makes audience, include Bang Radith and Om Indro LAUGHING. Why? He count the comic's step. Lol!! x)) He even count Alphi's steps -one of comics- until 54 steps?! That's so very absurd *speechless* Hahaaa =)))) Great guy~

  Funny? Crazy? Absurd? Unique? Yeah, that's STAND UP COMEDY INDONESIA! \m/
Thanks for reading this-unimportant-post.

See yaa on my next post. Byeee~

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Once again-_-v

Don't read my old post-_-v
Because it is so very damn alay!
What's alay? Alay is .. uhm.. like over act maybe(?)

   Normal   = You should write like this
   Alay       = Y0u sH0uLd wR1t3 L1k3 th1s

You get it? No? Okay
I can't describe that, sorry .-.

Once again, don't try to read my old post.
It can destroy your eyes-_-v
haha, lol

Okay, uhm.
See yaa at my next post.
Thankyou for read-this-unimportant-post.
Hasta la vista~

Back again!

It's been so loooooong time, since I post my last post.
Now I've changed my blog into a.. uhm.. simple blog.
Yea, simple blog.

Since my last post, I get some problem about this blog.
Then, feel so lazy to write up new post again.
So, I think I must create new blog,
tadaaaa.. check this out!

Yeah, that's my new blog and I use Indonesian.
At this blog, I prefer to use English, because.. uhm..
I want to practice to post in English(?)
You get it? No? Okay -_-
Nevermind ..

So, uhm.
Byeee :3

Kamis, 05 April 2012

takadajudul gejepula -_-

ngantuk . . Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀Щ)
tapi, sulit buat ningalin ini semua . Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀Щ)
ninggalin twittah , ninggalin fb , ninggalin tumblr , Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀Щ)
ninggalin youtube , juga ninggalin draft blogg . Щ(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀Щ)

dari tadi ini mulut bisanya nguap terus . ╭(°ロ°")╯
hoamm . .╭(°ロ°")╯
bosen , tapi ngantuk . ╭(°ロ°")╯
komik udah dibaca semua . ╭(°ロ°")╯
bb juga lagi off . ╭(°ロ°")╯
mantengin laptop bikin mata perih . ╭(°ロ°")╯
laper juga engga . ╭(°ロ°")╯

yasudahlah , ƪ("▔□▔)ʃ
kuputuskan saja . ƪ("▔□▔)ʃ
kalo aku bakal . . 
TIDUR SIANG . ~(˘▾˘~) ~(˘▾˘)~ (~˘▾˘)~
byee . hoamm ! \(˚O°")/

My new bias.. DEPAPEPE part 1

B-I-A-S ..
Tau ngga apa itu bias ?
Hmm, kalo yang udah tau, jawab sendiri yahh. :)
Bias itu orang yang kita idolain.

Depapepe itu grup musik dari Jepang yang terdiri dari 2 personil.
Namanya juga grup musik, pasti mainin alat musik dong. xD
Mereka berdua mainin alat musik gitar akustik.
Personilnya ada dua. Ini diaaa :
Miura Takuya (三浦拓也) - Depa (Lahir: Kobe, 5 Maret 1983)
Tokuoka Yoshinari (徳岡慶也) - Pepe (Lahir: Kobe, 15 Juli 1977)
Hmmm, kalo ngga salah nama DEPAPEPE itu gabungan dari 2 nama pendek personilnya yaitu Miura (Depa) sama Toku (Pepe). Depa sendiri artinya tongos (gigi maju), like this --> :B
Wkwkwk. *skip*
Fans Depapepe namanya Depapepers.
Banyak banget Depapepers yang kesebar mulai dari ujung kutub utara sampe ujung kutub selatan. Indonesia salah satunyaa *termasuk aku*.Hehehe. *skip*
Nih, aku ceritain ya gimana awalnya aku bisa jadi Depapepers :
"Pas itu tanggal 1 Maret, waktu istirahat pertama aku sama Febri ke ruang guru buat nanyain tugas Biologi ke pak Frans, soalnya ada yang ngganjel di hati. Akhirnya pas di ruang guru, kita nyamperin pak Frans trus nanya. Trus pak Frans bilang kalo nanti ngebahas isian di buku paket trus dimasukin ke nilai. Alhasil, kita berdua nih langsung kocar-kacir lari ke kelas buat ngasih tau ke yang lain, soalnya ngga ada pemberitahuan sebelumnya kalo ada pr dari paket.. Aku masuk ke kelas trus langsung nulis di papan tulis kalo ntar ngebahas buku Biologi trus dimasukin ke daftar nilai. Anak-anak yang liat langsung pada ngerjain. Untung aja pelajaran Biologi jam pelajaran terakhir, kalo ngga gitu aku gabakalan dapet nilai ! /.\ *skip*. Setelah istirahat pertama, pelajaran b.Inggris. Kebetulan, hari ini outdoor soalnya ada tugas kelompok. Untungnya aku kebagian sama Febri, jadi kita bisa ngerjain Biologi bareng. Diem-diem, kami berdua bawa buku Biologi yang diselipin ke dalam buku paket b.Inggris. Kita duduk di tempat yang agak jauh dari pengawasan ma'am Puspita. Setelah nyari tempat, kami berdua sepakat kalo duduk di deket Aula. Tempatnya itu strategis banget sama tempat orang yang disukai Febri. Namanya tiiiitttt *sensor* :]x. Orang yang disukai Febri itu lagi latihan ujian praktek Seni Musik *maklum, mereka anak kelas 9*. *skip* Kami berdua bagi tugas buat ngerjain Biologi, jadi nanti tinggal barter jawaban. Sambil ngerjain Biologi, aku dengerin alunan suara gitar yang dimainin sama si tiiiitttt. --Bagus banget nih lagu-- kataku ke Febri. Febri jawab --Emang bagus, soalnya ini kan lagunya Depapepe-- Trus aku nanya --Hah? Apaan itu? Depe pepa? *pertama kali denger*-- --Bukan Depe pepa, tapi DEPAPEPE-- Akhirnya, Febri langsung jelasin panjang lebar tentang Depapepe.
Awalnya sih emang biasa aja dengerin cerita si Febri. Tapi lama-lama saking keasikan, akhirnya jadi ngefans. Trus, jadilah aku anak Depapepers mulai dari tanggal 5 Maret 2012 sampe sekarang. Soalnya, orang yang aku suka, si piiiipppp, ternyata juga Depapepers. Dia juga mahir main gitar, sama kyak si tiiiitttt. *skip*
Hari ini tanggal 2 Maret (Hari Jumat). Hari ini ada pelajaran seni musik. Kata Pak Wemp (guru Seni Musik), minggu depan bawa alat musik yang bermelodi. Contoh : Pianika, gitar, atau seruling. Hmm, sempet kepikiran sih mau bawa gitar. Tapi sayangnya aku ngga punya gitar-_-. Jadi, kuputuskan buat bawa pianika aja. *skip*
Sekarang tanggal 3 Maret (Hari Sabtu). Tiap hari Sabtu, aku bawa laptop buat ngerjain Jurnalistik di sekolah. Sebelum extrakulikuler, Febri nyaranin aku buat download lagu Depapepe yang judulnya "Start" sama "Snow Dance" #NB : dua lagu itu yang dibawain pas ujian praktek Seni Musik sama si piiiipppp n si tiiiitttt#. Pas extrakulikuler, aku masih agak penasaran sama yang namanya Depapepe dan lagu-lagunya. Jadi, langsung nancepin modem trus langsung browsing lewat laptop. Aku liat semua infonya sama album juga judul lagunya. Aku juga mampir ke youtube buat download itu video. Videonya langsung aku download, soalnya kalo ngeplay video sambil ngedownload, pasti bufferingnya lama banget. *skip*
Akhirnya videonya selesai di download, aku masang headphone trus dengerin dari laptop. Kan malu kalo diliat sama anak jurnal yang lain ? Sambil ngetik artikel buat mading, aku dengerin nih lagu. YAAMPUN! SHOCK banget denger lagu ini. Bagus banget. Gabakal bisa diungkapin sama kata-kata. Secara ngga sengaja, mukaku dari tadi senyum-senyum *refleks* *masih ngga waras* bu Sri (guru Jurnal sekaligus guru b.Indonesia) ngeliatin terus. Tiba-tiba bu Sri nyamperin ke mejaku trus bilang gini --Kenapa Nas, kok dari tadi ibu liat kamu senyum-senyum ngga jelas?-- trus aku jawab  --Ngga kenapa-kenapa kok bu. Artikelnya lucu, jadi saya ketawa--. Trus bu Sri ngelanjutin ngeliatin hasil artikel anak jurnal yang lain. Untung ngga ketauan -_-. Wkwkwk *skip*
Trus, tanggal 4 Maret --> LIBUR <-- Baca : L-I = LI ; B-U = BU ; + R = LIBUR *dancing*
Besoknya, Hari ini tanggal 5 Maret (Hari Senin). Seperti biasa, aku masuk sekolah. Aku bilang ke Febri, kalo aku sekarang (tanggal 5 Maret) udah bener-bener jadi Depapepers.. Sejak saat itu, kami berdua makin akrab gara-gara pr Biologi, Depapepe, si tiiiitttt dan si piiiipppp :D.
-bersambung ke part 2- :)
#Capek ngetiknya -_-. Wkkwkwk *skip*
#Skip, skap, skap, skip mulu nih orang# *ehh ? xD

Akuu Kembali :D

Heyya, udah lama ngga blogging :3
Kangen banget sama ini blogg x3
Saking lamanya ngga nulis blogg, aku hampir kelupaan passwordnya. x)
Btw, aku ngga tau mau nulis apa.
Otak lagi buntu. ._.
Ntar aku balik lagi yaa.
Mau mikir dulu, apa yang bakal aku tulis. :)
Byeee :D
See you at the next post ;)